Friday, August 21, 2020


Early each morning,
I tryst with my Lord,
Entering His presence
To give glory to God.
Early each morning,
In worship and praise,
My penurious soul, 
Brims over with grace.

Early each morning,
My prayers are heard,
Seeking His wisdom,
I ponder His Word.
Early each morning,
Arrayed for the fray,
Showered with blessings,
I meet the new day.

Myra D’Souza / 21 August 2020

Friday, August 14, 2020



My personal experience after losing my firstborn baby girl, Keisha, at 14 months.

* He heals the brokenhearted
    and binds up their wounds. Ps 147:3

The prayer of desolation 
Rises from the heart
When agonizing sorrow
Rends the soul apart.

A prayer of wretched anguish
That ceaselessly implores
The God of all compassion
To comfort and console.

This plaintive prayer beseeches
God to grant relief -
Dispel the dreary sadness
The all-pervasive grief.

And just when all seems hopeless
God himself descends
*Gently touching every wound
The broken heart He mends.

Myra D’Souza / 13 August 2020

Saturday, July 4, 2020

CHRISTUS VINCIT - Christ Victorious

The battle is over,
The victory is won,
Evil is vanquished,
Triumphant God’s Son.

The Suffering Servant,
Impaled not by nails,
But gratuitous love,
On the Cross of travail.

All hail to the Victim,
For crushing the head,
Of the vile, wily Serpent,
And vanquishing death.

Once heirs of old Adam,
Our ransom’s been paid,
We are born of the Spirit,
By grace, we are saved.

Myra D’Souza / 04 July, 2020

Sunday, June 28, 2020


I'm glad I have You Jesus,
To talk with all day through,
In Your abiding Presence,
You draw me close to You. 
You listen very closely,
To all I have to say,
Even when I’m querulous,
You never turn away.

You never are distracted,
Never distant, cold, austere,
Each time I cry out 'Jesus,
You say ‘my child I’m here.’
We rendezvous for Matins,
The birds join me in praise,
Before the dawn begins to tint,
The sky a pearly grey.

I’m grateful for Your promise,
To make Your home in me,
No burden is too heavy,
With You for company.
In life I’ll often stumble,
As its twists and bends I wend,
But thru’ it all You’ll be with me,
My everlasting Friend. 

Myra D'Souza - 28th June 2020

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Invited to the Banquet,
Partaking of the Meal,
We ate the Bread of Angels,
Drank of the Cup that heals.
Some came from obligation,
Careless, heedless and remiss,
Eating while insensible,
That this was sublime bliss.

The gloom of fast and famine,
Casts a shadow on our soul
We plead for the atoning
Sacrifice, that makes us whole.
Our hungry hearts are pining,
For our supernatural Bread,
Restore to us dear Father,
The salvific Meal we shared.

How long will we be tested?
Lift this famine, Lord, we pray,
Feed Your famished children,
Lest we perish on the way.
Open up our churches,
Once again to offer praise,
Worship, and thanksgiving,
To the Author of all days.

Myra D’Souza / 23 June 2020

Monday, June 1, 2020


One little candle, 
Burned through the night,
Cheerfully chasing, 
The gloom with its light.
Routing the shadows,
With luminous skill
To shine on all softly
In joyous goodwill.

One little candle,
With ardor intense, 
Gave without measure, 
Expending its strength. 
In total oblation, 
Not heeding the cost,
For in dying to self, 
Nothing precious is lost.

-Myra D'Souza / 02 June 2020

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Summer has arrived at last,
May blooms in every hue,
One by one the boarders leave,
We bid our friends adieu.

We dance along the corridors,
We leap down from the stairs,
Gripped in a fevered frenzy,
We breathe the heady air.

We giggle and we frolic,
Build castles on the shore,
We lie on pristine beaches,
And watch the seagulls soar.

Too soon will childhood laughter,
Become a memory,
Each of us eventually,
Will start a family.

We grow ever closer,
Confiding joys and woes,
Celebrating blessings,
That God on each bestows.

The fabric of our sisterhood,
Will rend apart when He,
Calls one of us to heaven,
Now two are left of three.

Together you and I my dear,
Will keep alive the flame,
Of our sister’s memory,
Each time we speak her name.

Myra D’Souza / 29 June 2010

Monday, May 18, 2020


You are here, 
We meet once more, 
You and I
In this sacred place, 
This sacred space, 
Within my soul. 

You in me, 
And I in You, 
I am on holy ground, 
In this sacred place, 
This sacred space, 
within my soul.

Myra D'Souza / 17 May 2020

Monday, April 6, 2020


I grew in age not wisdom,
In the spirit of the world,
Blithely following the pack,
Part of the sinful herd.
And all the while He pursued me,
From  open wounds that bled, 
When people asked if I knew Him,
Denying Him I fled.

I married and had children,
And strange now tho' it seems,
Professing to be Catholic,
I ignored truths He esteems. 
Tho' the rooster crowed incessantly,
I could not meet His gaze,
I'd denied Him far too often
To look upon His Face

Yet ardently He pursued me,
At times I’d hoped He’d win,
For truthfully I must confess,
I’d wearied of my sins.
My hour did come as Peter’s did,
O hour of wondrous grace,
God won, at last, He held me fast, 
I'm home in His embrace.

-Myra D’Souza, 07 March 2018 / 06/04/2020

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