Monday, April 6, 2020


I grew in age not wisdom,
In the spirit of the world,
Blithely following the pack,
Part of the sinful herd.
And all the while He pursued me,
From  open wounds that bled, 
When people asked if I knew Him,
Denying Him I fled.

I married and had children,
And strange now tho' it seems,
Professing to be Catholic,
I ignored truths He esteems. 
Tho' the rooster crowed incessantly,
I could not meet His gaze,
I'd denied Him far too often
To look upon His Face

Yet ardently He pursued me,
At times I’d hoped He’d win,
For truthfully I must confess,
I’d wearied of my sins.
My hour did come as Peter’s did,
O hour of wondrous grace,
God won, at last, He held me fast, 
I'm home in His embrace.

-Myra D’Souza, 07 March 2018 / 06/04/2020

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