Thursday, June 13, 2013


Let’s sing to the Lord, sing a new song,
Recalling the wonders He’s done,
His holy arm, the strength of His hand,
Have wrought every victory won.

His righteous justice is tempered with love,
Abounding in all that He does,
Revealing clemency though sinners we be,
Salvation is His gift to us.

His glory and power fill heaven and earth,
To Him all the living belong,
Echo  you nations with jubilant praise,
Make melody, break into song.

Rejoicing and dancing before God our King
Make music with timbrel and harp,

Bring out the lyre, come sound loud the horn,
Make merry and let trumpet blast.

Clap hands every  river, mountain and hill,
Sing out with great joy to our God,
He comes to rule all the peoples on earth,
With justice and mercy for all.

Myra D’Souza – 13th June 2013

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