Tuesday, July 31, 2012


To all who have been wounded by the scourge of abortion be assured that you will find hope, peace and healing in the beautiful Sacrament of Reconciliation

How long will we continue,
To look at them as trash,
Dump them in the garbage,
Or watch them burn to ash.
Their cries rise to crescendo,
The silence fills the air,
Their screams are halted midway,
Convulsing in despair.

Our wombs once a safe haven,
Are a sanctuary lost,
These little ones are savaged,
In an endless holocaust.
We dare not dwell too deeply,
Lest we disbelieve the lie,
They are just lumps of tissues,
Babies do not die.

Evil masked in sanity,
Strikes with brutal rage,
Misleading foolish victims,
With the mantra of the age.
Self is now the idol,
Where we worship without shame,
We care not who we sacrifice,
In this gruesome game.

We’ve lost these little treasures,
By heeding ill advice,
And now we grieve in secret,
Aware we’ve been unwise.
God knows that we are wounded,
He sees the hurt within,
He alone can heal us,
Let’s ask to be forgiven.

Myra D’Souza / 20th October 2010
Psalm 139:14
"I  praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

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