Tuesday, April 21, 2009


When I abide in Jesus
And He abides in me
I am all that He is
Beauty, truth and purity.
I am love and goodness
Peace and righteousness.
Because He is my Brother,
I call His Father, Daddy God.

But apart from Jesus
I keep falling into sin.
I fail in all the virtues
And I am filled with guilt.
I am mean and wretched
Pride rears its ugly head.
Without Him all is dark within,
And I am miserable.

When I abide in Jesus
I look just like Him,
The radiance of His presence
Changes my countenance.
I share my Lord’s divinity,
The sunshine of my smile,
Is but a sweet reflection
Of the One who reigns inside.

Myra D’souza / 17.6.98

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