Tuesday, April 21, 2009


There is deep sadness welling in my heart,
As I recall the day we had to part,
A tiny candle burning swift and bright,
A dancing, laughing, blazing meteorite,
One moment here enchanting with your smiles,
Gone before we even said goodbye,
One moment here, wrapped in a world of pain,
Gone the next as quick as summer rain.

I knew not then that we had just a while,
Before you'd go forever from my sight,
I held you close and looked ahead in time,
When I would take you home sweet baby mine,
An image then passed lightly through my mind,
A Mother just like me who held her Child,
But He was dead I cried and quickly turned away,
Her Son was dead, my baby's here to stay.

I close my eyes from memory and trace,
Your lovely curls encircling your face,
Dark sparkling eyes that shine with mischief bright,
Fringed by long lashes black as velvet night,
With such angelic looks one would suppose,
That you would have a perfect little nose,
And yet the button nose on your sweet funny face,
Could only serve to add a piquant grace.

I came to visit you that fateful eve,
I heard you cry and I began to grieve,
I could not stay I thought my heart would break,
And so I went to Church where I could pray,
Make her well I cried O take her pain away,
The Master heard I did not pray in vain,
He took you home sweet baby girl of mine,
And now no tear shall every dim your eye.

Today the sky is overcast with grey,
The heavens weep with me in sympathy,
Though sad, I know beyond a shadows doubt,
The sun is shining high above the clouds,
Hope in my heart is once again renewed,
Death woke me up to life in Christ anew,
And though I'll miss you baby till I die,
I know that this will be a short goodbye.

Myra D'souza / 8.3.1998

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